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The Chemistry of everyday life, an HIV blogger. Twitter: @tcghiv | Email:

How I Like My Coffee

It's almost a year since I'm working on a graveyard shift. I must say, I no longer want this schedule. I was just forced to take this schedule than no have no work at all. I work for an IT-software company which explains everything. Since the beginning of this work, I'm starting to appreciate the value of coffee. When I was a kid up until recently, I'm no coffee drinker. I do take on some occasion but not as heavy as today. Every working day, I can manage to free up my tummy for 3 cups of coffee. Just don't give me the strong plain black coffee with no sugar, milk, creamer or whatsoever.

This post is not about me as a coffee drinker (novice, that is) but how I consume them up. The introvert way.

During office days - or should I say nights, I always start my day to perk up. That is, either buy coffee from a nearby shop of just get a plain vendo-coffee, either way works for me. I have a large mug that is good for 2 on a single serving, if i feel the need for more action.. I can instantly use 3 servings, so that's 6 all in. 

The most exciting part is when I end up on a weekend and having my cup of coffee alone. If no invite from from friends or appointments on weekends, I usually do my "me time" - that is most of the time. After watching a movie or dining out by myself and since I don't want to disrupt my body "graveyard" body clock, I go to some coffee shops and have a sip before going home. This way, even though at the wee hours of the night, I'm still awake. Sleep is now the far most important thing in this world - after coffee. 

Any variants will do, as long as I get to sit down and watch people while I slowly consume my stuff. Yes, this is how I take my coffee during my "me time - watch people as they pass by. It's quite an exciting activity for me coz I see a lot of different stories while sipping my hot, smoking and aroma-full drink. As long as I have a cup, a chair to relax to and my iPod, then the day is complete.

Don't think I'm mean coz that's what most introverts do. We watch people and create stories behind what we see. We gather up and collect energy from within using what we see or observe. That's what I do. maybe it's different from others.

Observing other for my own pleasure is a good experience. It creates an introspective art of well being which makes me realize how should I be thankful of and what should I be having insecurities with.  I do this a lot, maybe twice in a month or so. Some of my friends are so curious on how I manage to be alone. To each his own. Being alone doesn't necessarily mean lonely, it's just a way  your mind collects energy and caring for one's own dimension. This is one way of reviving pleasure - through solidarity.

There are several needs for this - either I reward myself for some small achievement, a time-off from a stressful week or contemplate on some depressive moments.

My coffee time is my me-time. If you happen to see someone alone, having a sip, listening to iPod and just watching people pass by. Remember The Chemistry Guy.

*I can do this for hours up until closing time.